Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bug Infestation

After a few games yesterday with my Grey Knights losing pretty horribly to Ilhan's Guard and tying a game against Taylor's bugs, I was bestowed the honour of painting Taylor's awesome Forge World Trygon. The amount of detail in this model compared to the regular Games Workshop one is amazing. Taylor wants his bug painted up in the Hive Fleet Kraken scheme, and last weekend we toyed around with something painting methods, and I found one that seemed pretty easy to achieve. Here's a little preview of the Trygon, about a quarter of the way finished.

I strayed a little from the method we were using on his regular infantry which involved a white primed model wash with Ogryn Flesh and Gryphonne Sepia. The Carapace is based black and then feathered highlights of P3 Sanguine Highlight, P3 Skorne Red (or Khador Base, I think) and finally P3 Heartfire.

With the Trygon, I based the flesh with Iyanden Darksun, washed it with Dark Flesh, overbrushed with P3 Menoth White Base, washed it with Devlan Mud, feathered on P3 Menoth White Highlight and finially edged highlighted with P3 Morrow White. The carapace will be painted the same as the first method. The Toxin Sac is based with Dark Angels Green, and highlighted with mixes of DA Green, Snot Green, and Scorpion Green.

You might notice one of the bone spikes is grey - the original one snapped off and I tried to get it back on but the surface got ruined because of super glue sticking to my fingers. I managed to carve a new one from a bit of sprue frame and I think I did a pretty good job of it.

I'll probably be able to finish this monster by the end of the week, in time for Taylor to rock face with it and make armour saves with its deliciously painted carapace. I'm also going to start painting my Trollblood warpack that I picked up on Thursday. Here they are awainting some primer.

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