Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Thanks Mr. Postman!

So two packages arrived today when I got back from class. Thank you eBay and the second hand miniatures market.

The homeboys with the blue shoulder pads are a squad I've painted up for Grey Knights Inquisitorial Warrior Acolytes. The squads will be differentiated by shoulder pad markings. Those guys and the bar metal ones were from a local swap from kijiji and the rest are eBay purchases. These guys are going to serve two purposes; either IG allies for whatever Imperial army I'm playing, or the bulk of my super flully Inquisition army, backed up be some Power Armour and Terminators.

The biggest problem here is that I realistically have a tonne of models and terrain to paint. Here's a nice compact list:

10 Pyg Burrowers and burrow marker
5 Sluggers
1 Totem Hunter

Space Marines/Grey Knights
30 Tactical Marines
50 Terminators
50 Elites/HQs/Devastors
14 Vehicles (easiest part with the airbrush)
48 Inquisition Models (12 more in transit)

An entire Mechanized Eldar Army totalling around 2500 points.


Retribution of Scyrah repaint!
Sentinels + UA
Invictors + UA
Halberdiers + UA
Mage Hunters + UA
2 Mage Hunter Solos
2 Heavy Myrmidons
1 Light Myrmidon
3 Warcasters

The Trollblood stuff I can finish in a week. Most of the Imperial stuff is pretty easy, as I simplified my paint jobs on them as much as I could. The Retribution stuff won't be played for a while, I'm still having loads of fun with my Trolls. The Eldar are competing for brush time with my Imperial stuff, so it's a matter of flipping a coin and seeing who gets the paint first, and deciding on a paint scheme. The terrain is super easy as the majority of it is buildings and hills/forests.

Overall, my plate is totally full - on top of school assignments. I'd like to have, at least, one of my 40k armies completed, or even 2000 points completed before the spring. Oh boy.

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