Saturday, January 19, 2013

Gatormanz, Gatormanz, does whatever Gatormanz canz?

Super epic awesome painting updaaaaaaate! First up, a unit of Gatormanz! After airbrushing them, I slapped on a few washes to bring out the details on the scales and painted on the details. I wanted these guys to look like they were mucking about in a swamp, so I took a great departure from my Trolls' bases. First, they were flocked with sand and kitty litter, which was painted a sort of greyish-brown and dry brushed some highlights on. They then got some gloss varnish on portions of the base to imply wetness and finished with static grass. Simple.

Next up, a full unit of Scattergunners. I'm finishing the bases on them, which I should be able to complete tomorrow night after X-Wing Machine of War night. The full unit isn't pictured, as 12 medium based Hordes models take up a lot of space. I got pretty sloppy with the tartans, but the colours are there and match what I did with Madrak's tartan so it's all good, babes. I really like running these guys with the Krielstone to drop Stealth and layer  11 spray 8s down on opposing armies. Also, they're my second favourite Trollbloods unit models cause they all look like John McClane.

Rok, Calandra, and Captain Gunnbjorn! I've yet to run any of them yet, but I have a few lists rolling around. I'm thinking of making a resilient infantry-heavy Calandra list, a super-shooty, AOE dropping Gunny list, and Rok may be joining Borka in place of the Mauler as I posted a few days ago.

I really like how Rok turned out. I re-positioned his torso a bit to make him a little bit more upright to compensate for his giant metal axe. This involved a fat piece of brass running from his nethers to his shoulders and a big ole' greenstuff belly. What I think is hilarious about Rok is that probably about 15-20 years ago, my old man looked like this, except he's short and Greek. The giant ham-fists, big ol' beard, shaggy mane, and Santa gut really resemble my old man years ago. Its hilarious. Plus, it looks like Rok may have some left overs in that beard of his... this model is totally my dad.

Last but not least - check out what Ilhan picked up. 101st Airborne, dropping bombs, plowing moms, powered by Jawn. HA! Boy is looking into some of the armoured companies and Ilhan has the Axis book. Flames of War is about to be rocked.

X-Wing Machine of War tomorrow night. Roger's probably swinging by as well and Boy and I may be consuming some brewskis in order for me to effectively run my X-Wings into asteroids.

Be excellent to each other!

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